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$ $ Welcome to Øresundsdagen 2 at DTU, 31 October 2018, the second conference on introductory mathematics for universities around Øresund organized by Matematikcentrum, Lund University and LearnT, DTU Compute.

The purpose of the conference is to give teachers and others involved in mathematics education an opportunity to discuss and exchange experiences about the challenges facing the teaching today. We therefore invite all institutions in the region to contribute shorter presentations (about 20-30 minutes) to share “best practices”. Some important current issues are:

  • How is mathematics teaching (content and form in the broad sense) linked to the education and how do we ensure that mathematics becomes an even stronger, inspiring and effective tool?
  • What new educational opportunities does it give when we integrate programming and / or discrete mathematics with the standard teaching in continuous mathematics and linear algebra?
  • What differences are there, or should there be, in how mathematics teaching is practiced for mathematicians and non-mathematicians. How much weight should there be today on formal aspects and proofs and to what extent are IT tools useful/necessary?